Paradise Point
Here is a picture of Paradise from Paradise Point in St Thomas. It was cloudy and raining when this picture was taken. Color and saturation adjustments made this photo more presentable.

Waiter & Busboy

Our waiter, Iwayan (right), and busboy, Antonio (left), provided our dinner table with exemplary service. Our dishes were outstanding. I can’t remember the dishes we enjoyed—much less spell—but I do recall that I enjoyed a special cheesecake and tried Tirimisu for the first time.

El Morro Fort

I’ll close this section with a terrific photo. As Paradise approached San Juan, the cruise director told us about the historic El Morro Fort. This fort served as the first line of defense and as a lookout point for San Juan’s inhabitants. Click and hold here and choose “Download Link to Disk” for a high-resolution version of this beautiful image. The image is a 5.4M TIFF (300ppi@5.7 x 3.7 inches). With a standard dial-up modem, the image may take up to 30 minutes to download.

Cruise Pages 1, 2, 3, 4

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This page was last updated March 8, 2000.