Favorite Becky Jaddie
Child's name (boy) Mason Aldus
Child's name (girl) Arianna Hannah
Dream car (can't afford) Infiniti Q45 Mercedes-Benz sedan
Dream car (barely could afford) Infiniti i30 Conversion van
Shampoo Nexus Head and Shoulders
Laundry detergent Tide Tide
Bath soap Caress Dial
Brand name Publix Apple
Favorite place ever visited Baltimore Harbor Lucerne, Switzerland
Day of the week Friday It no longer matters; they all run together. I couldn't tell you what day it is, anyway.
Restaurant Chili's Tie: The Outback and Chili's
Food French onion soup Pasta
Dessert Aunt Ruby's thin-layer chocolate cake High and Mighty Ice Cream Pie
Book The Very Hungry Caterpillar All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
Magazine Bottom Line Macworld
Department store Target Victoria's Secret
Celebrity Scott Foley Claire Forlani
Weekend Shopping and dining out with relatives Doing absolutely nothing
Toothpaste Crest Crest with baking soda
Paper towels Sparkle Sparkle
Tissue paper Angel Soft Charmin
Season Fall Fall
Holiday Christmas Tie: Memorial Day and Labor Day
Would purchase if won lotto Nice home Nice home, new Mac, Kodak Professional DCS 660 digital camera
Especially good at Predicting outcomes of movies and television programs, making balloon animals Lying about when I'm actually going to be finished with the computer, making anything take 140 times longer than it was supposed to take
Especially terrible at Reading the manual to anything mechanical Sports that feature any type of ball, staying out of trouble
Thing about living in metro Atlanta Shopping Conveniently located to lots of resources, Atlanta Macintosh Users Group
Architectural style Modern Victorian
Color Yellow Green and white
Musician or group Goo Goo Dolls, Bon Jovi Bon Jovi, Foo Fighters, REM
Radio station Star 94 Star 94
Television show Felicity Frazier
Movie Grease Forrest Gump
Admired person Father (Donald Baldree) Ken Lange (frequent poster on AMUG BBS, absolute genius)
Web site Stockmaster MacNN
Activity we enjoy together Going to the movies Going to the movies
Dream job Kindergarten teacher (She has her dream job) Macintosh consultant (I have this job)
Dream vacation destination California Cupertino, California
Favorite animal Dog Dog
Favorite beverage Sprite Pepsi One
Web browser Internet Explorer 5 Internet Explorer 5
Email application Outlook Express Outlook Express
Word processing application Microsoft Word Mariner Write Lite
Computer Utility DragThing, CopyPaste Spell Catcher, FinderPop, DragThing, CopyPaste
Television network NBC Not sure. I don't watch a lot of TV.

We did our first list of favorites two years and three days ago.

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This page was last updated June 19, 2000.